Scan to Donate!

Why we need Donations...

Here at BFAS, we rely entirely on public donations to keep going. We are a registered non-profit charity (registered charity number 1126664), and rely very much on volunteers to keep going. Therefore, anything you can contribute towards feed, bedding and veterinary bills, etc, is very much appreciated and a great help towards the longevity and security of BFAS and the important work that we do.

The best way to donate is through paypal giving fund which do not take fees and we get 100% of your donation. You can also donate by BACS account 65342033 sortcode 089299 name:brook farm animal sanctuary.

> Gift Aid Donation Form

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  • Heart Cure 4 pt 2 (10 of 28)
  • Heart Cure 4 pt 2 (23 of 28)
  • Cally and friends
  • Mark and Luke
  • Harvey 1
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